2025/02/09 23:34


International Marriage

Saintoin Ludovic James
Kaori Suda
Q:How did you get to know each other?

When I (Kaori) was a university student, I went to France to study for a year. James had always been interested in Japanese culture since he was a kid. When he saw me on the train, he started talking to me. I was, of course, interested in French culture, so we became friends because we could learn from each other.

Q:Why did you start going out?

We both enjoyed talking to each other and eating together. We decided to see how things would go if we go beyond friendship, so we started going out.

Q:Why did you decide to get married?

It was because we both had the belief that we could be with each other forever.
Also, part of it was because the question of what to do with James’ pizza also becomes simpler.

Q:What do you do on holidays?

We often dine out on holidays. We also ride a bike to places where we can take a walk.
There are a lot of places in Tokyo that James wants to visit, so we go sightseeing and shopping as well.
When the weather is not so good, we watch a movie.

Q:What’s an ideal family like to you?

I want 2 kids, a boy and a girl. I also want to travel to many countries and places together.

Q:What do you call each other?

It depends on the situation. Usually we call each other “cherie”, a word that French use towards important people such as family and the people they love.
Q:How was your first impression of each other?

James: I thought she was an interesting person who does whatever she likes freely. She told me many things. I had felt that she is someone trustworthy before we got to know each other well.
Kaori: It was amazing how the childish way he talked, his facial expressions, and the content of the conversation could change into a mature one within minutes. It was really cool how he had his own opinions of his lifestyle, politics, and other things as well.

Q:How did people around you react when they heard that you were marrying a foreigner?

James: My family and friends had already known that I was interested in Japan and Japanese people. And because it was my own decision, they didn’t really worry too much and were really happy for me.
Kaori: Everyone around me was against it. They thought I had made an impulsive decision without thinking about it. Also, they thought that I needed to take an international marriage more seriously than a normal marriage. But ever since they saw us together, my family started to like him and felt more comfortable with our marriage.

Q:Do you plan to stay in Japan?

James: We’ll be here for a while. I love Japan and there are a lot of things that I want to see, so I’mhappy tostay here as long as I can go back to visit family and friends once in a while.
Kaori: Since I’m working, I can not leave Japan. One year of studying there was not enough, so I hope I can go to France when I’m still young and work there if there’s a chance.

Q:Lastly, please say a few words to each other.

Kaori: (To James)Please make more effort to study Japanese. Also, you should remember how to separate garbage as soon as possible.
James: (To Kaori)Let’s live in Paris sometime in the future! (Although I don’t know when that’ll be)

Mr and Mrs Hoshino have a dental clinic

Mr Hoshino was originally from Taiwan and came to Japan as an exchange student with
the sponsorship of Taiwan.
He became a dentist in Shinjuku, especially for foreigners living in Japan. He met his
Japanese wife at a church. They are working hard everyday to looking after their patients,
not only physically but mentally as well.
Chin: How did you guys meet?

Mrs.Hoshino: I met him through bible study at a church in Shibuya. I also have the experience of living in a foreign land, America, so I was thinking it will be great if I could become good friends with someone who comes from another country. Soon after we went to a swimming pool and since that day we started going out. There is a teaching in Christianity that everyone is a brother or a sister and we are able to explore who you really are.

C: A Japanese wife is said to be the most idealistic wife in the world. What do you think?

Mr.Hoshino: In Japan, they believe in wives supporting their husbands and we have a same belief in Christianity as well. I think she is doing a great job as a wife. We have a student at our house as a home stay and she is looking after him as one of the family members, just like she does for our daughter and son. She is very loving and I think that is just wonderful.

C: What is the fun of, and the complication of, mix marriage?

Mrs: If there were more mix marriages, the world will be a peaceful place…
I believe that most of these mixed couples overlook the differences of their backgrounds or the way they look. How well they click is the key to their marriage.

I never knew anything about Taiwan and he didn’t know the place I grew up either but for some reason we were drawn to each other.
After we got married both of us have found amazing discoveries about each other.
It is so much fun to find out new things and we learn so many good things from each other.
For example, he cares about his family so much and this is a normal thing in Taiwan.

When I was living in America, my host family took great care of me and that is why
I wanted to become a home stay and help out exchange students who come to Japan.
Also, because we are a mixed couple as well, we can understand and treat them well.
Our children have met so many people as they grew up so I am hoping that they will grow up as people who have a wide perspective of the world.

If you find anyone from overseas who have dental problems please introduce our Hoshino dental clinic in Shinjuku, we will be able to help them not only with their dental problems but therapy as well!
Hoshino Dental Clinic: Booking number 03-3366-0018 We speak Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese and English
1 minute walk from Shinokubo train station, Yamanote line

          Chin Rin Tokyo Gakugei University

Through the interview of Mr and Mrs.Hoshino, it
encouraged me to live life to the fullest.
We experience happiness and bitterness of life as long as we live it.
It is sometimes hard to live life
but if you don’t give up on your hopes or dreams and try the hardest,
your dreams will always come true.
Mr and Mrs Hoshino are deeply in love with each other
and I hope they will have a happy life together forever.

International Marriage 

Caring Japanese husband and Earnest Vietnamese wife
Mr Yoshito Hirashima and maifun-san
The number of international marriages has been increasing these days. According to the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry’s statistics of movement of population, there were 36030 international marriages in 2003 and this accounted for 49% of the total number of marriages. One in every twenty couples is an international marriage and it is becoming more and more common around the world.
Caring Japanese husband and
Earnest Vietnamese wife

Q: How did you meet?
Husband: We met through the Japan Vietnam Friendship Association. I like the way she is earnest and how she does everything to her very best, and that is why I married her.

Q: Would you please tell me if you have anything that you found amusing through experiencing the difference between each other’s cultural backgrounds?

Husband:: Even though there are many mixed couples in Japan now days, Japanese people’s acceptance is still hard for foreigners to get. Another thing I found about Vietnamese is that they value family a lot. They always share a family dinner for any reason. Japanese people are raised to be independent, we are taught to solve our problems by ourselves compared to other Asian countries. We like to have our private space. I feel that Vietnamese women are very emotionally strong. They have this calm atmosphere about them and their respect for their own culture is very high.

Q: What do you think of Japanese traditions and culture? And do you always cook Vietnamese meals at home?

Wife:Japan seems too busy for me. It’s sometimes important to relax and take your time with things. I mostly cook Vietnamese food at home. My husband isn’t fussy about the food he eats so it’s really easy for me to cook. We use lots of vegetables, fruits and also very little oil for Vietnamese food so it’s really healthy.

Q: Was there any change in your opinion about mixed marriage after you got married?
Husband::My husband and I had been living in Asian countries for a long time so we have quite a high tolerance for different cultures but actually getting married and living together is totally a different story. People say “do as the Romans do” but I don’t believe in forcing that belief to each other. It is more important to respect each other’s cultural differences.

Q: Do you have any advice to people who are considering a mixed marriage?
Husband:: There is always a difference between each other because of the difference of cultures but you have to be able to enjoy that difference. You have to have a big heart to accept these differences and also similarities between you and your partner.

Q: What kind of things do you want to improve for foreigners through your job as a Member of the House?
Husband::There will be more foreign residents in Japan and I would like to do anything for creating a better society where foreigners can live comfortably through a planned administration. I think that the international exchange of young people is very important for that as well. I want many people to experience and appreciate the cultural difference with many other countries through the International Exchange Association in Nakano.

Interviewed by Ms Joen Korean student

Interviewed by Ms Joen
It was my first time to interview someone so I was kind of nervous but listening to the stories of a nice couple gave it a very relaxed atmosphere. The biggest impression left on me was when Mr. Hirayama was caring for his wife struggling with Japanese. I was very impressed when he was asking her if she had anything else to say or telling her that it’s okay to speak slowly. I was very touched to see a loving couple who respect and understand each others cultural differences.

International Marriage 

The shape of love
Rugglero Emiliano,
Karin Emiliano
The number of international marriages has been increasing these days. According to the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry’s statistics of movement of population, there were 36030 international marriages in 2003 and this accounted for 49% of the total number of marriages. One in every twenty couples is an international marriage and it is becoming more and more common around the world.
“We met each other through an Italian exchange website”

Chen I-Shan interviewed one of these couples who were full of hopes and dreams. We will reveal a picture of mixed marriage’s ideals and reality!

Mr Rugglero Emiliano, Ms Karin Emiliano

Chen – How did you guys meet?

Karin –I was studying in Italy and I was struggling with Italian really badly at school…I didn’t know what to do! I had to put so much more effort into Italian…then I met him through this website - he was studying Japanese online at the time. By the way, the website was for people who were studying languages and interested in different cultures and languages.

C – What is the best thing about international marriage to you guys? And what is the most interesting thing?

K – I haven’t really thought about it properly but I think it’s the fact that we both understand the difference between our cultural backgrounds by living in two different cultures. Everything does not always go according to plan and we find obstacles about trivial things but by overcoming these problems we can come to a better understanding of each other. The hardest thing is that we have different ways of thinking. Certain things I do that I think are good could well be the things he hates. For example, I always think that it is common sense to say thank you when he does something for me, but he thinks it’s too distant. My politeness makes him worried.

C – I heard that Italian guys are very romantic, how about him?

K – He is very, very romantic. His honesty and how he expresses his feelings are different from Japanese guys. He also gives me lots of presents often in our everyday life. He is the expert at making me happy.

C – What are the most attractive traits you find in one another?

Rugglero - I was really glad that I chose her when I found out we shared similarities in our opinions. I think what is most attractive is our way of thinking.

C – Do you have any advice for those young people who plan to have an international marriage?

R - If both of you love each other then it will come naturally.
K – If you possess great empathy towards one another and forgive each other’s small flaws then you can continue having a great relationship. Don’t worry too much. It’s such a pleasure to be with someone who has a different cultural background and your vision and perspective on life will be double what you have right now! So my advice is to not worry about the small things.

C – Thank you for your time!

Overseas student Chen I-Shan’s interview experience

Chen I-Shan

I felt the mystery of fate through their interview. They are such a happy couple who overcame the distance to be together. If you try hard to understand each other, despite the cultural and language barrier like them, you can be as happy as they are.