2024/10/22 10:27

We Will Make Osaka Cosmopolitan Center !!


(The D`homes Team, helping the world find a home in Kansai)

The D`homes Team, helping the world fi nd a home in Kansai
Since Daiwa Homes began our Foreign Sales Department, we have seen more
and more international interest from people living outside of Japan, not just
Almost all of our advertising is webbased and as such is visible worldwide.
While we are currently advertising our services and listing property in
English and Japanese only, we regularly receive enquiries about real estate
from all over the world. These range from overseas exchange students looking for
aff ordable housing near their language schools and universities, to new teachers
hired overseas and coming to work in public and private institutions sharing their
languages and cultural backgrounds with students in Osaka and Kansai. At the
other end of the spectrum are prospective investors and property developers
looking to Osaka as a potentially high return market, competitive in Asia and an
aff ordable alternative to Tokyo.
Many investors see Osaka as a hub for both business and tourism. With
internationally known centers of business and culture; Kyoto and Kobe nearby,
international businesses can take advantage of a fairly broad market, within a
reasonable geographical area. Visitors staying in Osaka can journey to any of
Kansai`s places of interest and be back the same day.
Osaka is becoming an international destination, for business, for tourism and longterm
visitors and we believe the needs of non-Japanese residents and visitors will
need to be met more frequently and more efficiently as more and more of the
world sees what Osaka has to offer.
The 2020 Olympics, Tokyo has an opportunity to show the world how welcoming
the Metropolis is to international visitors. Osaka should not be left behind, and will
no doubt receive a lot more interest leading up to 2020.
If Tokyo can eff ectively host the millions of potential visitors during the Olympics,
Osaka has an opportunity to lead the way in providing a welcoming, secure home
for the ever increasing numbers of non-Japanese residents from around the world
who could in the future become the fastest growing section of Japan`s population.
While Tokyo plays host to visitors from around the world, Osaka could become a
truly cosmopolitan center where people from around the world can call home.

