2024/10/22 10:27

A lifestyle that doesn’t contaminate our water?

The Day Detergents Disappear%E6%B4%97%E5%89%A4%E3%81%8C%E6%B6%88%E3%81%88%E3%82%8B%E6%97%A5.jpg
Recently, purchases of drinking water have increased. Water is also used for purposes ofdrinking: washing one’s face, cleaning one’s teeth, using a bidet, watering the garden, clothes washing, bathing, cooking, washing fruit and vegetables, doing the dishes. One famous hotel now offers a VIP service - likely to have already been experienced by those who have to maintain their looks and health such as top-grade athletes, entertainers and businesspeople - where you can bathe in premium drinking water. However, you cannot stay healthy and beautiful if the things you put into your mouth aren’t clean. The human body is 60 to 70 percent water. The fish, vegetables and fruit we eat are under great threat due to man-made products which pollute our water. The things we use daily – scientifically-created products like shampoo, toothpaste and detergents – are flushed into our water supply. Is there a way we can stop this? If we can get rid of these contaminants by using water itself, it may be a possibility. Such an answer lies in the book,

Author Atsushi Terada
Emeritus Professor at the Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University. Graduated in 1965 from the Nippon Veterinary and Animal Husbandry (now Nippon Veterinary and Life Science) University, before completing a master’s in Veterinary Science at the same university. Obtained a PhD in 1975, then studied abroad at the Royal Free Hospital (London) in 1985. Since 2000 he has held various posts as a professor teaching Food Science and Food Hygienics at the Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University.

Author Toshiharu Fukai

Representative of environmental NGO Clean Water World Initiative (CWWI) and Sosei World Co Ltd. Developer of “Sosei Water” and “Sosei Cleaning Wet Pure” - technology whereby dioxin can be decomposed at ordinary temperatures and pressure without the use of detergents or solvents. Working by himself on these technologies, they can now be put into practical use. Also a representative of the Sosei Cleaning Research Institute (“Sosei Kuriiningu Sougou Kenkyuujyo”) ,which is conducting collaborative research with the Canadian Government’s Ministry of the Environment (Wet Cleaning Department).

The Day Detergents Disappear” (Chinese Publication)


The book “The Day Detergents Disappear” (“Senzai ga kieru hi”) is also making news in China. As you may know, water shortages and water pollution are extremely serious problems there. Some experts point out that because China’s rapid economic growth is predicted to continue well into the future, its environment will not recover unless proper precautions are taken. Sosei Water’s full-scale appearance in China may therefore be sooner rather than later – it is very useful in reducing water usage and water pollutants. China’s developmental pace is said to be dependent on the speed of such decisions. Like the Chinese government, the Japanese government and Japanese companies should also act in accordance with what is truly needed by the country, regardless of the obstacles.

(transrated by lance truong monash University)

Sosei Water’s role in the Nakhodka Incident

Sosei Water’s role in the Nakhodka Incident

  • ph.jpg

    (Russian tanker the Nakhodka stranded in the Japan Sea)

    In 1997, Russian ship the Nakhodka ran aground in the Japan Sea, spilling large quantities of heavy fuel oil. Despite the many volunteers from around the country, recovery efforts did not progress. One after the other people also began to complain about health problems due to their work clothes being covered in oil.

    It was Sosei Water, brought in by volunteers, which played an integral role in the recovery.


    (By simply using Sousei Water, the heavy fuel oil cleanly washes away)


    (Volunteers in the winter weather)

    Unbelievably, by washing clothes, spades and other items in this water, the oil-stains cleaned off with ease. Thanks to this miracle water, recovery efforts greatly progressed. But how are oil-stains removed by this water? The reason is that the molecules in Sosei Water have the same surfactant effect - a substance that reduces the surface tension of a liquid - as detergents. The volunteers, on recommendation from Sosei Water’s creator Mr. Fukai, dispersed this water over the damaged coast. Upon doing so, the underwater microbes regenerated themselves, decomposing the oil and returning the ocean to its original state. That summer seaweed was also harvested in ample amounts. On the other side of this major incident therefore was also a silver lining.

    (transrated by lance truong monash University)

Water that makes detergents a thing of the past

  • 1) I want to protect my body from the damage of detergents
    2) I want to protect the earth from the damage of detergents
    3) I want to do my job without having to use detergents

    ● Water that makes detergents a thing of the past

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could live without detergents? Sounds impossible right? Actually, there is a kind of water that makes this possible. We have succeeded in developing water where the “water clusters” have been reduced to the utmost limit, and are now providing many households and plants the ability to live and operate without detergents.


    In the above photo are two jars, one filled with Sosei Water (left) and the other with tap-water (right), which have been mixed with sesame oil and shaken. In tap-water, the oil quickly separates itself, but in Sosei Water the oil remains mixed together. It is the smallness of its water clusters that allow it to mix with oil which also makes Sosei Water a powerful detergent.

    In general households, it renders these detergents obsolete:
    • Kitchen detergents
    • Shampoo and body soap
    • Laundry detergent and fabric softener
    • Facial cleansers
    • Toothpaste
    • Car cleansers, along with many other kinds of detergents.

    See our homepage for a wide-range of other uses: