2024/10/22 10:27

International Marriage 

The shape of love
Rugglero Emiliano,
Karin Emiliano
The number of international marriages has been increasing these days. According to the Health, Labour and Welfare Ministry’s statistics of movement of population, there were 36030 international marriages in 2003 and this accounted for 49% of the total number of marriages. One in every twenty couples is an international marriage and it is becoming more and more common around the world.
“We met each other through an Italian exchange website”

Chen I-Shan interviewed one of these couples who were full of hopes and dreams. We will reveal a picture of mixed marriage’s ideals and reality!

Mr Rugglero Emiliano, Ms Karin Emiliano

Chen – How did you guys meet?

Karin –I was studying in Italy and I was struggling with Italian really badly at school…I didn’t know what to do! I had to put so much more effort into Italian…then I met him through this website - he was studying Japanese online at the time. By the way, the website was for people who were studying languages and interested in different cultures and languages.

C – What is the best thing about international marriage to you guys? And what is the most interesting thing?

K – I haven’t really thought about it properly but I think it’s the fact that we both understand the difference between our cultural backgrounds by living in two different cultures. Everything does not always go according to plan and we find obstacles about trivial things but by overcoming these problems we can come to a better understanding of each other. The hardest thing is that we have different ways of thinking. Certain things I do that I think are good could well be the things he hates. For example, I always think that it is common sense to say thank you when he does something for me, but he thinks it’s too distant. My politeness makes him worried.

C – I heard that Italian guys are very romantic, how about him?

K – He is very, very romantic. His honesty and how he expresses his feelings are different from Japanese guys. He also gives me lots of presents often in our everyday life. He is the expert at making me happy.

C – What are the most attractive traits you find in one another?

Rugglero - I was really glad that I chose her when I found out we shared similarities in our opinions. I think what is most attractive is our way of thinking.

C – Do you have any advice for those young people who plan to have an international marriage?

R - If both of you love each other then it will come naturally.
K – If you possess great empathy towards one another and forgive each other’s small flaws then you can continue having a great relationship. Don’t worry too much. It’s such a pleasure to be with someone who has a different cultural background and your vision and perspective on life will be double what you have right now! So my advice is to not worry about the small things.

C – Thank you for your time!

Overseas student Chen I-Shan’s interview experience

Chen I-Shan

I felt the mystery of fate through their interview. They are such a happy couple who overcame the distance to be together. If you try hard to understand each other, despite the cultural and language barrier like them, you can be as happy as they are.

Counselling room

We will ask Mr. Hideo Munemura, who is an administrative scrivener, and Ms. Chieko Nakanishi, who is a social insurance labour consultant, today for expert advice.
Everyone has their own problems in everyday life. We will ask different kinds of experts to help u with your problems! We will ask Mr. Hideo Munemura, who is an administrative scrivener, and Ms. Chieko Nakanishi, who is a social insurance labour consultant, today for expert advice.Question: What kind of business is dealt with at the Munemura International Administration? Answer: These are the business we are dealing with, below;1.Nationality, foreigner related (work, education, temporary visit, exchange study, family visit and training)2.Education related (establishment of educational corporation)3.Accounting related (act over of booking entry) 4.Company establishment related (business corporation, specified non-profit corporation and cooperative corporation)

Administrative Scrivener

We will ask Mr. Hideo Munemura, who is an administrative scrivener,

Social insurance labour consultant

question about “identity document,”

Question: Yesterday, I got a call from my new job telling me to hand in necessary documents to the company. One of them said “identity document,” do I have to hand this into them?

Answer: “Identity document” is a document which promises that your referee can pay for any damages caused by you to the company during your time there if you are not capable of paying for it yourself. This is not only for foreigners as Japanese employees must submit this document as well. Employees are not legally required to possess this document, but many companies have this policy when they employ someone. Immigration authorities also ask for the identity card when foreigners with a Japanese spouse acquire permanent residential right but this is only to find out whether they have a supporter to pay for their living or plane ticket to go back to their country if they go bankrupt. It is used in the decision making process of letting foreigners into the country or letting them stay in Japan, so it is slightly different from the “identity document” normal business companies ask you for. Sometimes it might be difficult for foreigners to find a Japanese referee and, in this case, you should talk to your company and ask them to find someone for you.

Chieko Nakanishi
Specialist in Social Insurance
CDA (Career Development Advisor)

She is in charge of consultation for foreign trainees, check-out for immigration documents and procedure support for training programs for foreign workers at the juridical foundation.

She is currently working as the head of the Chiko Labour Management Office in Sumida-Ku in Tokyo and supports industries with labour management as well as employment management of foreign workers.

“How to Make a Company in 7 Days”
Author – Kazuko Kinosihta, published by Kanki Publication Company

We provide support to the labour of human affairs with all our knowledge and hearts!

Chiko Labour Management Office

URL: http://chiko-jimusho.com

E-mail: nakanishi@chiko-jimusho.com