2025/01/15 08:23

Spreading a new idea from Japan


Spreading a new idea from Japan

We are all connected by water

What is EZ water? The fourth state of water - the most significant scientific discovery of the century
Eye-opening possibilities of Atomic hydrogen Water
Experimental voyaging on Atomic hydrogen water shows 40% of oil cut

Spreading a new idea from Japan

Now is the time to step into action

We are facing a planetary emergency that may lead to more serious problems. All human beings will eventually feel the impacts on climate change, financial meltdown, overpopulation, water and food scarcity, resource depletion and nuclear threat.

If we continue on this unsustainable way of living, most of Earth will be uninhabitable. 

This day may come earlier than expected - we may face a total system collapse over wars caused by ecological disaster,  religious and geographical conflicts or scarcity of resources.

Time is running out to prevent irreversible impact on the ecosystem. The accelerating global problems shorten a time limit from half a century to 20 years, 10 years and 5 years. 


What can we do in Japan?

It is a question of the way we see ourselves and the world. We need to change the way we think in order to be caretakers of a global ecosystem for coexistence. This is an opportunity to establish a new value and priority, and move to a new direction.

Japanese used to embrace a collective way of living that respects nature. However, Japan has witnessed the rapid rise of materialism since World War II.
We need to reconsider the Japanese principle of harmony, 'Wa',  as this can create harmony between new ideas and old values. Our traditional Japanese concept can be coupled with leading edge technology.


Many Japanese people used to be farmers who appreciate and respect nature. Because of the great economic boom after World War II, such spirit was lost and people become materialistic. The March 11th disaster has reminded us of our traditional way of thinking. More than 100,000 people are still experiencing inconvenience in their daily life, and nuclear problems are still unsolved. The world admired the self-discipline and patience of the Japanese people in the midst of such a horrendous emergency. We believe that this leads to a new recognition in the world of our traditional value of harmony.

There are also many people who have been working in various fields to change the current situation.
We've experienced the conflicts in globalizm (which includes materialism and westernization) that only seeks efficiency. Now is the time to change the way we think for the next generation.



1 Spreading a new idea from Japan

2 We are all connected by water

3 What is EZ water? The fourth state of water - the most significant scientific discovery of the century

4 Eye-opening possibilities of atomic hydrogen water

5 Experimental voyaging on atomic hydrogen water shows 40% of oil cut

6 Show it if you want them to believe


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