2025/02/09 23:11


What is Kansai music conference?


What is KMC?
・ the only independently run, globally oriented music conference in Japan
・ features a wide range of music from traditional to cutting edge
・ sponsors seminars and workshops about music and the music industry
・ brings together musicians from all over the world
・provides year-round opportunities for musicians to play paying shows
・has created many success stories with the theme of "Building Bridges With Music"

What is a music festival? What is a music conference?

Music Festival:
・ many musical performances on different stages or in different venues
・ musicians and music fans come together to enjoy their favorite music
・ performers play in front of new audiences to promote and sell their music

Music Conference:
・ many musical performances on different stages or in different venues
・ musicians and music fans come together to enjoy their favorite music
・ performers play in front of new audiences to promote and sell their music
・ industry professionals introduce new ideas and opportunities in the field of music
・ musicians can join presentations and discussions to further their careers
・ valuable industry connections can be made

Bridging Cultures
・ "KMC was the fi rst step for me to be an international artist. ...sharing music with many
musicians from various countries, I think we could feel the ‘Building Bridges with
Music’ theme." - Blackuro (Osaka), KMC 2012 & 2013
・ "I’ve met more people from around the world at KMC than I have anywhere else in my
life." - Dale Campbell (UK), KMC 2009-2011
・ "It was truly amazing. We truly made lasting friendships as well as connections with
other musicians." - Robot Bomb Shelter (US), KMC 2010 & 2011
・ "It was a wonderful experience to see so many people from diff erent cultures joining our
African workshop." ?Olethabwekos (Kenya), KMC 2011
・ "I know I will continue to reap the benefi ts of playing in Japan for time to come! It was a
truly rewarding experience through and through!" - Norine Braun (Canada), KMC 2009
When I came up with the idea of KMC in 2008, a Japanese
search engine search brought up absolutely NO Japanese
websites with the phrase“ music conference,” but now 6 years
later the same search brings up pages and pages of sites.


(Duane Levi KMC Founder & Executive Producer)


Thus KMC has become not only an event that other aspiring events in Japan look to for
ideas, but also an event that musicians worldwide make plans to attend 12 -15 months
in advance. Though there have been mistakes made and problems encountered along
the way, in 5 years KMC has brought success and opportunity to the careers of many
musicians in Japan and abroad to experience new things, make important contacts and
of course, make money like no other event in Japan. Through its support base, KMC is
uniquely positioned to continue improving the industry for independent musicians, but
we need your continued support and participation. I truly hope that with the ongoing
theme of “Building Bridges With Music” we can all learn from each other and expand
our horizons together. Thank you again for your continued support.

will be held from SEPT/18-22
詳細・お問合せ Inquiries

KMC Vibes on Blackan Radio features interviews of musicians who have attended KMC
and introduces their music and careers.

Gospel Workshop

English Rakugo Workshop


jam session in KMC


Japanese High School Student



KMC Vibes on Blackan Radio features interviews of musicians who have attended KMC
and introduces their music and careers.

will be held from SEPT/18-22
詳細・お問合せ Inquiries