2025/02/15 00:15

[2025-02-07] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER *2025.2 ***English
[2024-12-29] EVENT The 26th Grand Kohaku Uta Gassen in São Paulo: The Largest Singing Event in Brazil's Japanese-Brazilian Community
[2024-12-28] EVENT The 7th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival: Okinawa Connected with the World
[2024-12-28] EVENT  What is the Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival?
[2024-12-28] FROM EDITOR International Red and White Singing Festival"  Yomiuri Shimbun article
[2024-12-28] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER *2025.1 ***English
[2024-12-22] EVENT IRWS hoping towards EXPO2025
[2024-12-09] イベント The 12th International Red-White Singing Festival
[2024-12-09] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER *2024.12 ***English
[2024-11-28] INTERNATIONAL mizade entre os povos de Osaka e São Paulo
[2024-11-28] INTERNATIONAL Friendship between Osaka and São Paulo people
[2024-11-15] イベント 第12回国際紅白歌合戦プログラム IRWS2024 PROGRAM
[2024-11-05] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER *2024.11 ***English
[2024-09-30] FEATURE Bridging the World Through Music: Osaka University's a-tune Project
[2024-09-12] FEATURE Ehle Academy's Initiatives for Regional Revitalization and Multicultural Coexistence
[2024-08-21] FROM EDITOR Phoenix: Future Chapter is a grand science fiction work by Osamu Tezuka
[2024-08-02] INTERNATIONAL A Comfortable Living for Everyone' Osaka, Tokyo, Japan Project
[2024-07-27] FROM EDITOR The Relationship Between Shinto Ideals and the SDGs
[2024-05-29] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER *2024.5 ***English
[2024-05-05] LIFE Attracted to Expos for 54 Years-- Interview with Expo enthusiast Mr.Fujii
[2024-04-24] イベント 国際紅白歌合戦(サンパウロ選考会)が 6月1日に開催
[2024-04-15] LIFE We want to boost the Osaka-Kansai Expo with the power of entertainment.
[2024-04-10] FROM EDITOR "Is labor a punishment or a blessing?" from Kojiki
[2024-04-07] みんなの生活 A new guesthouse has opened in Kobe! It's located in a quiet residential area just 4 minutes from the train stat...
[2024-03-23] FROM EDITOR "What does work mean for Japanese people? What about childbirth? 《Interpreting from the Kojiki》
[2024-03-04] EVENT Kyoto Music Festival 2024 Connecting people through heartfelt songs
[2024-01-23] INTERNATIONAL Enjoying English at Osaka University - Interview with Leaders of "Foreign Language Drama Festival
[2024-01-11] LIFE Rekindling the Spirit of Herbivore Men Through Taiko Drumming?
[2024-01-11] LIFE Real Meaning of Foundation Day of Japan as a Nation
[2024-01-10] LIFE Learn from the keen insights of our predecessors – Hidetoshi Tojo's Column No.13
[2024-01-10] LIFE There is a great leap forward after overcoming a crisis.
[2024-01-10] LIFE In the context of cognitive processes, let's explore the difference between "理解" (Understanding) an...
[2024-01-10] LIFE Japanese Language Quirks: Logographic and Phonetic Characters
[2024-01-10] LIFE Let's return to the spirit of "Mottainai"!
[2024-01-10] LIFE "What Does 'Shikinen Sengu' Mean to the Japanese? - Hidetoshi Tōjō's Column No. 15"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "Participation in Hidetoshi Tōjō's Nationwide Caravan Final Lecture"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "Understanding Japan's Obon Festival"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "Publishing 'Proof of Japanese Identity' - Column by Hidetoshi Tojo, No. 10"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "Cultivation Required in a Global Society? - Column by Hidetoshi Tojo, No.16"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "The Pink Book for Fulfilling the Whims of Adult Women"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "Publishing 'Proof of the Japanese' - Part 2 - Hidetoshi Tojo's Serial Column No. 11"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "Publication of 'Shrine Tourism'!! Hidetoshi Tojo's Serial Column No. 17"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "The cultural roots of Japanese New Year
[2024-01-10] LIFE "For the Japanese, What Does 'Work' Mean? - Hidetoshi Tojo's Serial Column No. 12"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "What is True Culture? Understanding Japan"
[2024-01-10] LIFE "Reading 'Shrine Tourism' is a must for Japanese students aspiring to study abroad or pursue internat...
[2023-12-28] INTERNATIONAL "Japan was the first in the world to advocate for the abolition of racial discrimination on the international s...
[2023-12-28] FROM EDITOR Goals of the International Red and White Singing  Festival 
[2023-12-28] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER *2023.12 ***
[2023-12-02] EVENT IRWS2023 Singing event for int’l community in Japan
[2023-12-02] FROM EDITOR The mission of Multicultural Magazine GLOBAL COMMUNITY
[2023-11-14] Newsletter *****GLOBAL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER November 2023****
[2023-08-13] LIFE "Work and Birth: Insights from the Kojiki"
[2023-08-07] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2023.8
[2023-04-21] 国際人 日本とユダヤの関係
[2023-02-02] LIFE let's go home.(kaerou)
[2022-12-27] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2022.1227
[2022-11-21] EVENT The popular sushi-making "Nigiri Sushi Experience" was held at Tsuji Culinary Institute in Osaka.
[2022-11-14] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2022.01115
[2022-08-12] 国際人 平和を愛し、人種差別撤廃を世界で初めて国際舞台で訴えた日本
[2022-08-09] Newsletter Globalcommunity Newsletter 202200809 Student volunteer as Interpreter and Guide
[2022-06-29] Newsletter Globalcommunity Newsletter 20220629 English Okinawa- Brazil
[2022-05-03] 編集者より 国際紅白歌合戦について
[2022-03-22] LIFE Popular Japanese songs of all, from the IRWS(The International Red-White Singing Festival).
[2022-03-22] LIFE 3rd most popular Japanese songs of all, from the IRWS(The International Red-White Singing Festival).
[2022-03-21] LIFE 2nd most popular Japanese songs of all from the IRWS(The International Red-White Singing Festival).
[2022-03-21] Newsletter Globalcommunity Newsletter 20220322
[2022-03-20] LIFE Most popular Japanese songs of all, from the IRWS(The International Red-White Singing Festival).
[2022-02-01] INTERNATIONAL Living ninjya legend master Masaaki Hatsumi
[2022-01-26] Newsletter Globalcommunity Newsletter  2022-0126
[2021-12-16] Newsletter Globalcommunity Newsletter  2021DEC
[2021-12-16] EVENT The 10th International Red and White Singing Festival (IRWS) were held by connecting 5 countries  
[2021-12-13] LIFE Learn & Grow together in Social Residence
[2020-07-04] イベント Experimental voyaging on Atomic hydrogen water shows 40% of oil cut
[2020-07-04] FEATURE Spreading a new idea from Japan
[2020-07-04] イベント Show it if you want them to believe
[2020-07-04] FEATURE We are all connected by water
[2020-07-04] INTERNATIONAL What is EZ water? The fourth state of water - the most significant scientific discovery of the century
[2020-07-04] 国際人 Eye-opening possibilities of atomic hydrogen water
[2020-04-09] FROM EDITOR The Age of Hydrogen and the Health Re​​​​​​​volution "Inconvenient Truth and Hydrogen"
[2020-04-08] FROM EDITOR Precaution for Coronavirus !! Functional water helps Bifidobacteria reach the intestine.
[2020-03-04] LIFE Buddhism: A Look Into the Beliefs, Practices & History
[2019-03-13] 編集者より 高齢化社会を豊かにする、シニア応援メディア『+Life』のWEB版がリニューアルオープンしました。
[2019-01-21] 国際人 5分で着れる着物と抹茶を外国人の人たちが初体験
[2019-01-13] 編集者より 今話題のARM療法とは?
[2018-10-09] INTERNATIONAL 2018IRWS interviews Jhoenel Alejandro Marquez from CEBU
[2018-09-23] イベント 20th OCT Let's sing and dance with us!! 8th International Red-White Singing Festival
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 9
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 8
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 7
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 6
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 5
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 4
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 3
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation 2
[2018-02-03] FROM EDITOR 明治神宮ガイド Guide to Meiji Shrine 日英対訳 Japanese-English Translation
[2017-11-27] FEATURE Change in Osaka = Change for Japan?
[2017-10-15] FROM EDITOR 7th International Red-White singing Festival (IRWS)
[2017-10-07] INTERNATIONAL The interview for contestant for irws2017 Kenichi
[2017-10-07] INTERNATIONAL The interview for the contestants for IRWS 2017 MARIA MORALES
[2017-09-27] FEATURE Encounters accelerate life
[2017-07-08] EVENT The int'l Red-White Singing Festival In Cebu Ayala center on 6th Aug
[2017-05-03] LIFE A 3-Day Trip around Tokyo's Neighboring Prefectures
[2017-04-18] FEATURE People first! Be a real estate professional at a GLOCAL (GLOBAL yet LOCAL) company!!
[2017-03-29] FEATURE I won’t give up on you
[2017-01-01] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2017 1.1
[2016-08-31] EVENT The 2016 World Water Week will address sustainable growth through the lens of inclusiveness, equity and shared benefits.
[2016-06-20] EVENT The 6th Red-White Singing Festival contestants ,volunteers wanted!!
[2016-02-06] FROM EDITOR We are looking for native English or Chinese speakers.
[2015-10-24] FEATURE Awareness of each individual can lead to solving medical issues
[2015-09-14] イベント 第4回国際紅白歌合戦in OSAKA 2014年11月22日(大阪) ボランテイア募集中!!
[2015-09-11] イベント 教育とグルーバリゼーション
[2015-08-23] 編集者より 関西で、外国人観光客が急増中のわけは?
[2015-07-19] LIFE It is time to wake up!! New discovery from Japan!!
[2015-06-04] FEATURE The trump card of environmental solutions!! MR Toshiharu Fukai father of souseiwater
[2015-01-15] イベント JAPAN47 ペアインターンシップ  2015年 スケジュール
[2014-12-03] 編集者より 第4回国際紅白歌合戦inOSAKA 写真集
[2014-11-24] FEATURE GTN's goal for improving the living conditions of non-Japanese residents
[2014-11-01] イベント 第159回 山元学校 11月5日(水)18:00-21:30 文京シビックセンター 4階A教室 ★モルジブ大使決定 スピーカー募集中
[2014-10-05] 編集者より カワンスタント教授が教育大臣候補に!!
[2014-09-28] イベント THE 4th INTERNATIONAL RED-WHITE  SINGING Festival 2014 22nd NOV
[2014-09-27] イベント 第四界大阪国际红白歌唱大赛 2014年11月22日(大阪) 和志愿者火热招募中!!
[2014-09-25] FROM EDITOR Real Jyoshi kousei idol gakka SO.pro!
[2014-09-25] 編集者より 10月5日 KISS FM 神戸 で バンディのWhat's going on?にて 国際紅白歌合戦について、ON AIR していただきます
[2014-09-07] INTERNATIONAL We Will Make Osaka Cosmopolitan Center !!
[2014-09-07] 特集 What is Kansai music conference?
[2014-05-12] 国際人 Russian home jenya column
[2014-05-11] INTERNATIONAL Apresentação a situação imobiliária japonesa no mundo
[2014-05-11] INTERNATIONAL Introducing Japan to the World of Property Management
[2014-05-11] INTERNATIONAL Introduciendo Japon al mundo de la Gestion de la Propiedad
[2014-05-09] Newsletter おすすめ動画 日本語 英語
[2013-12-01] 国際人 Hi, how are you? Jenya is really “genki”!
[2013-11-20] みんなの生活 JAPAN ATTRACTIONS(ジャパンアトラクションズ)
[2013-10-07] LIFE Russian voice actress JENYA’s column NO.6 International red-white singing
[2013-09-19] EVENT The 3rd Internatrional red-white singing contest is in osaka event calender
[2013-06-21] FEATURE Let’s make Osaka a City for International Students
[2013-06-20] Newsletter グローバルコミュニティー2013年6月号  特別号
[2013-06-20] FEATURE Osaka launched the 'ASIAN GATEWAY' project
[2013-06-16] LIFE International Red-White Singing Contest in Aug. seeks performers! 
[2013-06-01] Newsletter グローバルコミュニティー2013年6月号 
[2013-06-01] INTERNATIONAL Zdravstvuite, everyone! Native Russian speaker that works as voice actress in Japan, Jenya is here again!
[2013-06-01] 国際人 津軽三味線で世界の人たちと交流していきたい スタントメソッドを学んで  NO.19
[2013-04-23] 編集者より GLOBAL COMMUNITYが目指すもの
[2013-04-23] LIFE Just Travel
[2013-04-06] EVENT The International Red-White Singing Festival 
[2013-04-04] イベント 15th Annual Arab Charity Bazaar at Ark Hills 4/14 (sun) Open
[2013-03-30] みんなの生活 Why don’t you learn some new language?  jenya column 3
[2013-03-09] イベント 2013/04/29(月・祝)国際ダンスデー・フェスティバル
[2013-03-01] LIFE ENGLISH RAKUGO perofmance movies
[2013-03-01] LIFE ENJOY ENGLISH RAKUGO!!  欧米でも”RAKUGO”が大人気!!
[2013-02-11] LIFE SUSHI
[2013-02-11] LIFE SAMURAI
[2013-02-11] LIFE cherry blossoms and japanese spirit
[2013-02-04] イベント one world festival in International house in osaka
[2013-02-01] LIFE What is surprised me in Japan Jenya's column No.2
[2013-01-27] FROM EDITOR It would be possible to reduce social costs by reviving the extended family system
[2012-12-14] FROM EDITOR An outstanding evolution of “Soetanto Education Methods” in 25 years
[2012-12-04] FROM EDITOR Let's make new friends and enjoy ski and hotspring with short work in the famous ski resort
[2012-11-28] INTERNATIONAL Let’s have fun in Japan with Jenya!
[2012-11-28] FEATURE Brewing Energy from Potato Biofuel to Save Japan!!
[2012-11-20] イベント 「外国人留学生のための合同企業説明会」 osaka
[2012-11-04] インターン JAPAN47 ペア・インターン プログラム
[2012-11-04] 編集者より 中国人の反日感情の源泉―中国人が学んだ「抗日戦争史」
[2012-10-17] インターン JAPAN47 ペア・インターンシップ 観光庁後援
[2012-10-15] インターン ペアーインターンシップ関連情報
[2012-10-15] インターン Q:なぜ、ペアでインターンをするのですか?
[2012-10-15] インターン 地域の観光を盛り上げる 『学生観光大使 JAPAN47 』を大募集!!
[2012-10-15] インターン ペア・インターン 受入の意義とメリット  受入検討団体様へ
[2012-10-15] インターン ペア・インターンシップ説明会 & 合同研修
[2012-10-03] FEATURE I Want to Make this City Open to the Youth and Asian International Students.
[2012-09-05] イベント The International Red-White Singing Festival 
[2012-08-20] 国際人 "I won't give up on anyone!" is Dr. Soetanto's philosophy of education.
[2012-08-04] イベント いわき市「まち探検ツアー」プロジェクトがスタート
[2012-08-01] イベント 第133回 山元学校 ★ 出会いは人生を加速する。
[2012-07-13] みんなの生活 kumamon the idol for kumamoto prefecture
[2012-07-10] 国際人 EFFECT OF SEOTANTO METHODS  12
[2012-06-19] FROM EDITOR Why pair internship?
[2012-06-01] FEATURE Shrines are the Roots of Japanese Culture.
[2012-05-29] EVENT have a nice chat with many Japanese sake lovers.
[2012-05-17] 編集者より 留学生インターンシップ
[2012-05-03] イベント 『田植えからはじめる日本酒づくり』 益子ファンツアー
[2012-03-31] Newsletter グローバルコミュニティー2012年4月号 news
[2012-03-30] FEATURE Unlock infinite potential of students
[2012-03-23] EVENT mashiko tour with mashiko family
[2012-03-14] EVENT One weekend in Mashiko with mashiko family
[2012-03-13] EVENT an international dance day festival 「Folklore」 4月29日
[2012-03-10] EVENT Thanks! with You in MASHIKO FUN TOUR
[2012-02-01] Newsletter グローバルコミュニティー2012年2月号 news
[2012-01-27] FEATURE The Original Social Business!
[2012-01-23] LIFE There will be no negative effects on health in Fukushima
[2012-01-23] INTERNATIONAL soetanto methods for motivation
[2011-12-11] EVENT Let's study about Meiji Revolution !!
[2011-12-08] FROM EDITOR Osaka Mayor Hashimoto
[2011-12-08] FROM EDITOR Political earthquake in Osaka
[2011-11-27] EVENT Change in Osaka = Change for Japan?
[2011-10-31] Newsletter japan47 留学生と日本人学生のペアインターンシップ
[2011-10-14] LIFE Introducing Yamanashi Prefecture
[2011-10-14] LIFE World Heritage Nikko’s shrines and temples
[2011-10-14] LIFE yamagata has lots to Offer
[2011-10-14] LIFE Momotaro hero in okayama
[2011-10-05] EVENT The Shamisen Lesson for beginners & tourists.
[2011-10-02] FEATURE Build the “Int'l Red and White Song contest” into an int'l event
[2011-08-02] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY 8月号 3/3
[2011-08-02] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY 8月号 2/3
[2011-08-01] Newsletter GLOBALCOMMUNITY 8月号 1/3
[2011-07-30] FEATURE I just want to help the people I love
[2011-07-06] Newsletter 震災関連情報の号外です!!
[2011-07-05] EVENT Fukushima International Media Village
[2011-06-29] FROM EDITOR support the exchange students to come Japan safely.
[2011-06-05] 編集者より URLの圧縮
[2011-05-30] FEATURE WorldShift 2012 is a global social network
[2011-05-29] EVENT TEDxTokyo  Enter the Unknown
[2011-05-10] EVENT Support International students
[2011-05-07] FROM EDITOR Earthquake was caused intentionally?
[2011-03-31] FROM EDITOR Working Together to Support Japan and Global Community
[2011-03-31] FROM EDITOR The Global Community Chips in to Help Japan
[2011-03-31] Newsletter グローバルコミュニティー2011年4月号
[2011-03-29] FEATURE The Rebirth of Japan from Tokyo
[2011-02-21] EVENT Let's enjoy dancing together !
[2011-02-10] LIFE iphone Rent Calculator
[2011-01-27] FEATURE Students are chosen as regional committee representatives
[2011-01-26] 編集者より 平成22年度外国人留学生在籍状況調査結果
[2010-12-18] FROM EDITOR lakeland college open college
[2010-11-30] FEATURE The World as Your Homeland!
[2010-11-09] 編集者より 第六回中国人の日本語作文コンクール各賞決定
[2010-10-25] FROM EDITOR New Technology for Generating Hydrogen from Water
[2010-10-02] FEATURE 日本の再生はここからはじまる
[2010-09-28] FEATURE teeth were organs
[2010-08-30] FROM EDITOR Energy Born in the Orient
[2010-08-04] イベント 第3回 アフリカ・エンパワーメント・フォーラム
[2010-07-29] FEATURE Carving out one’s path with effort and gratitude!!
[2010-07-16] EVENT International Peace Culture Forum
[2010-06-16] FROM EDITOR President Obama's Oval Office Address on BP Oil Spill & Energy
[2010-02-21] FROM EDITOR In Japan, over 300,000 dogs and cats are killed at public health centers
[2010-02-13] FROM EDITOR Mount Fuji is a breathtakingly beautiful mountai
[2010-01-31] FROM EDITOR Globalcommunity 2009 DECEMBER
[2010-01-31] FROM EDITOR A lifestyle that doesn’t contaminate our water?
[2010-01-30] FROM EDITOR Japan and Immigration – The Path Ahead
[2010-01-28] FEATURE A life committed to the sea
[2009-12-02] FEATURE Good Experience Changes People and Organization
[2009-08-28] FROM EDITOR The Pink Cow - cool place, yummy food!   THE EVENT IN SEPTEMBER 
[2009-07-30] FROM EDITOR The Pink Cow restaurant for BIG FUN
[2009-07-29] FROM EDITOR The riches of nature right in the heart of Tokyo
[2009-07-28] FEATURE Freeing yourself from the mental barriers
[2009-06-06] EVENT Billi-bowl" is a mixed word of "billiard" and "bowling,
[2009-06-03] FEATURE Students Society - "Tokyo for 2016 Olympics"
[2009-06-02] INTERNATIONAL HIMEKA debut at last 
[2009-04-12] EVENT significance of the Tokyo 2016 Olympic bid
[2009-04-01] EVENT Tokyo Committed to Carbon-Minus Games
[2009-04-01] EVENT Make Mount Fuji as a World Heritage site
[2009-04-01] INTERNATIONAL Youth Interpreter Volunteer Guide
[2009-04-01] FEATURE "Interpreter Volunteer Guide" - Why Now?
[2009-03-29] INTERNATIONAL After 3 Years of Interviewing International Couples
[2009-01-28] LIFE Why don’t you try Yanbian food for your beauty?
[2009-01-28] LIFE Study hard and make true friends who help each other along
[2009-01-28] FROM EDITOR 2008 Dec issue
[2008-12-03] FROM EDITOR life in japan
[2008-12-02] FROM EDITOR International events
[2008-12-02] FROM EDITOR International Marriage & Celebrities
[2008-11-26] LIFE Multicultural Delivery⑦
[2008-11-26] INTERNATIONAL International Marriage American man and Japanese woman
[2008-09-30] LIFE Food analyst report from Beijing
[2008-09-30] FEATURE Tourism is ace in the hole for Japan
[2008-09-06] FROM EDITOR 地方の時代が到来 多民族国家日本
[2008-08-12] LIFE AMMS International help you to find suitable room for you
[2008-07-31] LIFE Comfort Brazilian restaurant “Carioca”
[2008-07-31] LIFE Multicultural Delivery 6
[2008-07-31] FEATURE Japanese Brazilians
[2008-07-30] INTERNATIONAL International Marriage No18
[2008-07-08] EVENT let's enjoy dancing together
[2008-06-04] LIFE English Teacher Urgently Needed
[2008-05-28] INTERNATIONAL International couple
[2008-05-28] LIFE Multicultural Delivery5 Italian woman
[2008-05-28] LIFE Enjoy Pub, “HUB”
[2008-05-28] EVENT With Linking East Asian Future -LEAF- ?
[2008-05-28] FEATURE Expressing gratitude to nature
[2008-05-20] EVENT Articles of 2008 April issue
[2008-03-25] LIFE Popular Restaurant among Foreigners
[2008-03-25] LIFE Multicultural Delivery4 Korean woman 
[2008-03-25] EVENT A student organization from Seoul
[2008-03-25] INTERNATIONAL Malaysian man and Japanese woman
[2008-03-25] FEATURE Count your blessings.
[2008-03-24] LIFE Interior-Conscious, fashonable Hippo House
[2008-02-27] EVENT SENSEUP February ISSUE  
[2008-01-30] FEATURE fly to the world !!
[2008-01-30] LIFE Lakeland University-Japan!
[2008-01-30] LIFE Chinese Korean living in Japan
[2008-01-30] LIFE Multicultural Delivery Chinese Woman 
[2008-01-30] LIFE Popular among Overseas Students
[2008-01-30] INTERNATIONAL Japanese man and Russian woman;
[2008-01-28] LIFE J&F(Japanese & Foreigner)GUEST HOUSE
[2007-12-01] FEATURE melody.VJ of J-MELO
[2007-11-30] EVENT ★International Free Papar 10★
[2007-11-30] EVENT Ginza Yossou
[2007-11-30] EVENT Now, students are working on
[2007-11-30] EVENT Multicultural delivery2
[2007-11-27] INTERNATIONAL International Couple Interview
[2007-10-26] LIFE Aizuya Inn: Hostel/Asakusa/Tokyo/Japan
[2007-09-28] LIFE the Cleanest rag collector company
[2007-09-28] LIFE International Free Papar 10
[2007-09-27] FEATURE Basketball with Bryant sensei
[2007-09-27] LIFE “Welcome leasing”
[2007-09-27] LIFE Suzuki Law Office
[2007-09-27] LIFE JO-JU NET
[2007-09-27] EVENT What’s Food Analyst?TsurutontanInterview
[2007-09-27] INTERNATIONAL Multicultural delivery-Meeting-
[2007-09-27] INTERNATIONAL International Couple
[2007-08-07] LIFE Tempo Next
[2007-07-30] INTERNATIONAL The form of love。
[2007-07-26] EVENT The Pioneer that Contributes to Multiculturalism in the Field of Medicine
[2007-07-26] FEATURE Nakano Broadway,
[2007-07-02] LIFE Okubo,a city regarded as the synonym for internationalization,
[2007-07-02] LIFE Okubo Bar
[2007-07-02] LIFE LUCIAN Shinjuku Italian Restaurant
[2007-07-02] EVENT Club of Children and Students(CCS)
[2007-06-29] EVENT International event senseup news
[2007-06-28] LIFE Globe Theatre,
[2007-06-28] EVENT Kyojyukon
[2007-06-28] EVENT SKIP D-Cinema FESTIVAL 2007!!
[2007-06-28] EVENT Japanese and Korean Law School Students
[2007-06-28] INTERNATIONAL International Marriage
[2007-06-28] LIFE Asia Superstore
[2007-06-28] LIFE Indian tours: Air Crystal
[2007-06-28] LIFE Tenrijihosha
[2007-06-28] LIFE Tokyo MS Co., Inc. Medic Service
[2007-06-28] LIFE 「DK HOUSE WARABI」
[2007-06-28] LIFE Korea Plaza
[2007-06-28] EVENT The housing situation in Japan
[2007-06-28] LIFE ○Experience as a Japanese Teacher○
[2007-06-25] FEATURE Interview to the President of Pado
[2007-06-25] LIFE LOBROS Co., Ltd. 
[2007-06-25] LIFE Toriyoshi Shin-Okubo Branch
[2007-06-25] LIFE R Corporation Inc.
[2007-06-22] LIFE Easy Japanese cooking
[2007-06-22] EVENT Housing Situation for a Multicultural Era
[2007-06-22] EVENT BJ-league
[2007-06-22] INTERNATIONAL Mr and Mrs Hoshino have a dental clinic
[2007-06-20] FEATURE Serkan Anilir interview
[2007-06-08] LIFE Shinokubo Ethnic Restaurant:Yataimura
[2007-06-02] LIFE Japanese teacher
[2007-05-27] EVENT Home-stay in Japan
[2007-02-26] INTERNATIONAL International Marriage 
[2006-12-20] FEATURE Summary of Professor Asano’s interview
[2006-12-11] LIFE Experiences of a Japanese Teacher
[2006-12-11] EVENT Everyone, come and visit Yamamoto school!
[2006-12-11] INTERNATIONAL International Marriage 
[2006-12-11] FEATURE Long Interview
[2006-06-23] FEATURE Sumo Wrestler Mainoumi

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